TRUE Connector allows setting up HttpFirewall through Spring Security, and it is enabled by default configuration. Firewall is used both in Execution Core Container (ECC) and DataApp. To turn it off, please change following properties in .env file:
When Firewall is enabled, it will read properties defined in file located in Execution Core Container (ECC) and DataApp resources folder, which easily can be modified by needs of setup.
#Set which HTTP header names should be allowed (if want to allow all header names, keep it empty)
#Set which values in header names should have the exact value and allowed (if want to allow any values keep it empty)
#Set which HTTP methods should be allowed
#Set if a backslash "\" or a URL encoded backslash "%5C" should be allowed in the path or not
#Set if a slash "/" that is URL encoded "%2F" should be allowed in the path or not
#Set if double slash "//" that is URL encoded "%2F%2F" should be allowed in the path or not
#Set if semicolon is allowed in the URL (i.e. matrix variables)
#Set if a percent "%" that is URL encoded "%25" should be allowed in the path or not
#if a period "." that is URL encoded "%2E" should be allowed in the path or not