Validate protocol
Forward-To protocol validation can be enabled by setting the property application.enableProtocolValidation to true. If you have this enabled please refer to the following step.
Forward-To protocol validation can be changed by editing and modify application.validateProtocol. Default value is false and Forward-To URL will not be validated. Forward-To URL can be set like http(https,wss):// or just and the protocol chosen (from will be automatically set (it will be overwritten!) Example: will be wss://example if you chose wss in the properties).
If validateProtocol is true, then Forward-To header must contain full URL, including protocol. Forward-To=localhost:8890/data - this one will fail, since it lack of information is it http or https Forward-To=https://localhost:8890/data - this one will work, since it has protocol information in URL.
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